Developing Artistic Style
Stop Drawing Like Other People!
One of the biggest concerns for budding artists is developing artistic style. One of the things that happens is that they start copying the styles of other artists that they admire. I did this for a while, too. I had never drawn comic book characters before and I happened to love Jim Lee’s style. At the time he was drawing for The X-Men. I liked his style so much that I found myself trying to draw just like him.
The problem was, that wasn’t my style. It was his!
So my work ended up looking like someone who was trying to draw like Jim Lee. That’s not what I wanted. I want people to look at my work and know it was my work, not someone else’s.
So then, how does one go about developing artistic style?
Here’s the ironic part…
However you draw naturally, IS your style. As you gain experience, that style will evolve with you. Trying to copy someone else’s style is like trying to copy their handwriting. It doesn’t work. It looks forced, like you’re trying too hard. That’s because that style isn’t yours and isn’t natural for you. Think about it…your natural style is like your signature. You wouldn’t want anyone to forge your signature, would you?
So don’t worry so much about developing artistic style. It will happen naturally. In fact, you actually can’t help but develop artistic style! Your own, individual style. As long as you keep drawing, practicing, and growing as an artist, your style will develop with you. It won’t be a cheap imitation of someone else’s style. It will be unique to you. It’s quite alright to admire someone else’s style, but honor your own style and develop it to the best of your ability.
You were put on this earth to gift YOUR art to humanity, not art that looks like someone else’s.
Further Reading: